VERGE Accelerate Winner LogoSan Jose, CA – VERGE, the world’s leading conference at the intersection of technology and sustainability, holds an Accelerate competition each year to showcase qualified, early stage startups with world-changing ideas. This year’s winners: 10Power, a B-Corp bringing renewable energy to international markets that lack electricity and EiP Technologies– a low-hassle roof wind turbine installer.

On October 29, 2015, 10Power pitched from the main stage alongside competitors and won via mobile votes from live and online audiences, and received accolades from venture capitalist judges Nancy Pfund of DBL and Danny Kennedy of Sungevity and Powerhouse.

This was a great milestone on 10Power’s trajectory. We are thankful to VERGE for this opportunity,” said CEO and Founder Sandra Kwak.

Winning the VERGE Accelerate program can gain startups valuable exposure, partnerships, and funding opportunities. Previous winners include: XL Hybrid (2013), an electric hybrid conversion company that recently raised $10.2 million in funding, and Mosaic (2012), a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects clean energy investors to solar projects to promote more clean energy investing.  Mosaic had only been established a year prior to winning the VERGE Accelerator and today they have raised over $24 Million in funding, are 55 employees strong, and are experiencing strong month-on-month revenue growth.

10Power presents at VERGE

About 10Power
On a mission to redefine international development as sustainable innovation, 10Power provides solar finance and project management for enterprises in emerging economies that lack equal access to electricity. Through a network of community partners, 10Power is building long-term capacity for renewable energy, clean water, gender empowerment, and ecosystem restoration. Currently, 10Power has projects underway in Haiti – one of the most energy poor nations on the planet.

Affordable energy is the foundation upon which all the advantages of modern civilization are built.  Yet, 1.3 billion people (19% of the global population) do not have access to adequate electricity. Today, renewable technologies can be provided at affordable prices, giving communities around the globe access to local energy generation that is clean, affordable, and reliable. 10Power is bringing access to renewable energy to the places that need it the most.

For more information contact: [email protected]