The Story of 10Power is currently featured on OpenIDEO’s Climate Innovation Platform.

OpenIDEO is a global open innovation platform.

The Climate Innovation Challenge was born from OpenIDEO’s quest: “to understand how we can best support creative approaches to tackling climate change. We reached out broadly and listened to government officials, foundations, entrepreneurs, investors, NGOs, students, teachers, and designers.

And what we heard, time and again, was the need for storytelling.

All over the world, people are dedicating their lives to tackling climate change in creative ways. They are building new technology, exploring new business models and creating new ways to reduce our footprint. It’s time to celebrate their pioneering leadership and support their efforts. It’s time to share their stories on a global stage and build connections that can accelerate impact.

These stories can offer inspiration. They can teach us how to take action in our own communities. They can raise awareness and connect us to climate innovators who are already making a difference. Climate change is a global problem and everyone, everywhere, can be a part of the solution. Together, we can accomplish much more than we can as individuals.”