Jaycherie Little

Jaycherie Little (She/They) is an Oglala Lakota tribal member which is what fuels her passion for environmental justice. She believes that Indigenous peoples are the blueprint for a healthier more sustainable future that will mitigate and eventually reverse the effects of the climate crisis and support a thriving planet for generations to come. As 10Powers grants associate she is excited to be working towards a renewable future for all, starting with tribal nations and assisting them with achieving energy sovereignty.

She recently graduated from the BRIDGE (Bridging Renewable Energy Divides In Gender Equality) Program through Red Cloud Renewable learning to install solar photovoltaic systems. Prior to BRIDGE she attended Bryn Mawr College and also the Wizipan Sustainability and Leadership Program through the Indian University of North America. During Wizipan she learned about Traditional Ecological Knowledge and how it can be utilized in contemporary times to fight climate change.