DOE ES4SE Program Awards $1.75M to 10Power & Akiing 8th Fire Solar Resilience Hub

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) announced it has selected a total of seven organizations to receive funding under the Energy Storage for Social Equity (ES4SE) Initiative. ES4SE is designed to empower disadvantaged communities to consider energy storage technologies as a viable path toward achieving their energy goals.

“These organizations are fully engaged with ES4SE to find energy storage solutions in their communities,” said Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary for Electricity. “OE is proud of our ES4SE partners, because we believe their participation will result in improved resilience, energy affordability, and prosperity where they live.”

The following are the recipients of this Project Development and Deployment Assistance (PDDA) cost-share funding:

  • 10Power and Akiing 8th Fire are working with the Pine Point School District a Native School in Ponsford, MN to bolster community resiliency and decrease electric utility costs through clean energy systems. This project will expand an existing 21 kW ground-mount PV array at the Pine Point K-8 school and community center through the addition of an energy storage system and expansion of PV capacity. Adding storage to the school will help lower electricity rates, support the White Earth tribal members’s goals of energy self-sufficiency, and make the school a resilience hub for the community during power outages or other disasters. Award amount: $1.75 million.
  • Together New Orleans, a coalition of congregations and community-based organizations, is continuing its work of deploying community lighthouses across the greater New Orleans area. Each lighthouse is a solar + storage resiliency hub that can provide charging and cooling stations, lights, food, and other vital resources and information when the power goes out. Out of 24 lighthouses planned, three are nearing construction completion. ES4SE project cost share funding will enable Together New Orleans to break ground on seven additional lighthouses.  Award amount: $806,000.
  • Open Door Mission’s Plymouth Avenue North facility in Rochester, NY is a provider of critical community services. The facility has day rooms and a commercial kitchen and serves as a community shelter with hot meal provision. The facility also functions as an emergency shelter during power outages or severe weather events. The Mission, in partnership with Unity Renewables, will use ES4SE cost share funding to install solar PV and battery energy storage at the facility to provide resilience and cost savings. The clean energy systems will take the place of fossil fuel generators during power outages and will mitigate the negative health impacts from noise and air pollution normally associated with use of fossil generators.  Award amount: $1.1 million.
  • Native Renewables Inc. has a long history of partnering with households in the Navajo Nation and the Hopi Tribe to install off-grid residential photovoltaic plus battery energy storage system (PV+BESS) for homes without access to the electric grid. Native Renewables will work with households for selection to install PV+BESS that will include remote monitoring of the battery systems.
  • Hoʻāhu Energy Cooperative Molokai (HECM) is deploying residential islanded solar and battery storage nano-grids to fifteen households in the Moloka’i community. ES4SE will support a BESS, inverter and controls, remote monitoring equipment, and look at ways to partner with HECM’s workforce development program.
  • Coast Electric Power Association (CEPA) is working with the Hancock County Utility Authority (HCUA) to install a BESS for one of two wastewater treatment plants. The BESS will support small solar farms for three of HCUA’s wastewater treatment plants and connect to a voltage distribution loop serviced by CEPA for one day of resilience.
  • Ayika Solutions Incorporated and Capital to Coast Collaborative partners will deploy a BESS for the Harambee House Resiliency Hub in Savannah, Georgia in conjunction with Creative Solar, who will supply and install the solar PV array for the project. In a power outage or other emergency event, the Harambee House is projected to serve 25–35 local residents by providing heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, lighting, Wi-Fi, and phone charging.

Nationally, more than 65% of low-income households face a high energy burden. More than 30% of all households experienced some form of energy insecurity, sometimes even foregoing food, medicine, and heating or cooling comfort to pay an energy bill.

“Advancements in energy storage can help communities receive more affordable and reliable electricity,” said Rodrigues. “We are thrilled that these communities can now advance in assessing their energy challenges, evaluating solutions, and finding partners to support them in meeting their energy goals.”

About ES4SE

OE supported two of DOE’s national laboratories—Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia)—to develop ES4SE.

The first phase of ES4SE—Technical Assistance (TA)—launched in March 2022 with $2 million in funding to support. OE selected fourteen communities to participate in a comprehensive and personalized TA program, led by PNNL.   This phase includes project cost-share assistance and project development assistance to transform the clean energy and storage plans into live systems that improve resilience, reduce pollution, and increase affordability. Sandia will also provide technical support, including requests for proposal development, system installation and commissioning guidance, system safety reviews, and local first responder safety training for participants throughout the PDDA.

Learn more about the Office of Electricity.

Original press releases:

10Power Joins the Explorers Club as EC50 Member

In a world often overshadowed by the noise of mainstream media and the allure of celebrity culture, there exists a remarkable group of individuals whose work is quietly shaping the future of our planet and all life upon it. The Explorer Club 50 (EC50) stands as a beacon of recognition for these unsung heroes, celebrating their dedication to science, exploration, and innovation. Each year, the Explorers Club bestows this honor upon 50 extraordinary people who, despite operating under the radar, are making profound contributions to humanity and the world we inhabit. These individuals are not just exploring the unknown; they are actively shaping the course of our collective future.

The Explorers Club was incorporated on October 25, 1905. Famous members have included Theodore Roosevelt, Sylvia Earle, John Glenn, Kathryn Sullivan, Jim Fowler, Walter Cronkite, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Sir Edmund Hillary, Buzz Aldrin and Albert I Prince of Monaco (Wikipedia).

10Power Founder Sandra Kwak is honored to join the EC50 2024 class. 

Exploring the Unseen:

The essence of exploration lies not only in charting uncharted territories but also in delving into the depths of knowledge and pushing the boundaries of human understanding. The EC50 honorees embody this spirit of curiosity and inquiry, fearlessly venturing into realms both physical and intellectual.

Consider the marine biologist who pioneers groundbreaking research into the hidden depths of our oceans, unveiling new species and ecosystems that hold the key to understanding the intricate web of life on Earth. Or the astrophysicist who peers into the far reaches of the cosmos, unraveling the mysteries of the universe and expanding our comprehension of existence itself. These explorers of the unseen are not content with the status quo; they strive to unlock the secrets of the universe and illuminate the path forward for humanity.

Inspiring Innovation:

Beyond exploration, the EC50 recognizes individuals who inspire innovation and creativity, driving progress in fields ranging from technology to the arts. These visionaries possess an uncanny ability to see beyond the confines of the present moment, envisioning a future where the impossible becomes possible.

Take, for instance, the social entrepreneur who harnesses the power of technology to empower marginalized communities and catalyze positive social change. Through innovative solutions and unwavering determination, they are breaking down barriers and building a more equitable world for all. Similarly, the artist who uses their craft to challenge conventional thinking and provoke meaningful dialogue, sparking imaginations and igniting the flames of inspiration in the hearts of millions.

Embracing Diversity and Collaboration:

One of the most remarkable aspects of the EC50 is the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds represented among its honorees. From scientists and explorers to activists and artists, this esteemed group reflects the rich tapestry of human experience and the myriad ways in which individuals can contribute to positive change.

Moreover, the EC50 serves as a platform for fostering collaboration and fostering connections among like-minded individuals who share a passion for exploration and discovery. By bringing together experts from diverse disciplines and backgrounds, the EC50 creates opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas and the exchange of knowledge, leading to innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Indeed, the EC50 is more than just a list of honorees; it is a global community of changemakers united by a common purpose. Whether through collaborative research projects, joint advocacy efforts, or shared artistic endeavors, the EC50 community exemplifies the power of collective action in driving meaningful progress.

Creating a Sustainable Future:

Perhaps most importantly, the EC50 honorees are united by their commitment to creating a sustainable future for future generations. In the face of looming environmental challenges and global crises, these individuals are leading the charge toward a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

From conservationists protecting endangered species and habitats to renewable energy pioneers spearheading the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, the EC50 encompasses a diverse array of voices and perspectives united by a common goal: to preserve the beauty and biodiversity of our planet for future generations. Their tireless efforts serve as a reminder that each of us has a role to play in safeguarding the Earth and ensuring a prosperous future for all.


The EC50 (Explorer Club 50) is proof of the power of individual action and collective ambition in shaping history. Through their tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to excellence, these 50 extraordinary individuals are not only changing the world; they are inspiring us all to reach for the stars and strive for a better tomorrow.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of the EC50 honorees, let us also reflect on our potential to make a difference in the world. Whether through scientific discovery, artistic expression, or community engagement, each of us has the power to leave a lasting impact on the world around us. Together, we can build a future that is not only sustainable and prosperous but also filled with wonder and possibility.

In the words of the Explorers Club, “The world needs to know” about the remarkable work being done by the EC50 and the countless others dedicated to shaping a brighter future for all of humanity. Let us amplify their voices, celebrate their achievements, and join them in the noble pursuit of exploration, inspiration, and innovation. The world is waiting, and the possibilities are limitless.

Congratulations to the EC50 2024 Class – read more about members’ work here:

10Power Wins Verizon Climate Resilience Prize

10Power has been chosen as a Verizon Climate Resilience Prize winner. In partnership with GreenBiz and the Resilient Cities Network, this distinguished award honors and empowers early-stage businesses that are driving the transition to a climate-resilient future. 

Congratulations to all 4 winners (10Power, Perimeter Platform, Raincoat, Sesame Solar) and all of the finalists (Babylon Microfarms, Burge Environmental, Clarity, ElectricFish, Floodbase, Tiami Networks). Our sincere gratitude to Verizon, GreenBiz, and Resilient Cities Network for this chance as well as for supporting creative responses to problems created by climate change. 

10Power’s efforts to build a more sustainable and resilient future for frontline communities will be fueled by this $125,000 prize. It is an honor for us to be a part of this movement and to help create scalable solutions that support sustainability and climate resilience.

Learn more about the prize here.

#ClimateResilience #VerizonClimatePrize #Innovation #Sustainability  #10Power #RenewableEnergy #Solar #EnergyStorage #ClimateSolutions #Resilience #Tribes #Haiti

How hurricanes, wildfires, and floods are linked to climate change and what to do about it.

Each year, we are seeing increasing levels of unprecedented climate disaster. Our hearts go out to all of the communities impacted by hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. How are each of these caused by climate change, and what can we do to reverse these conditions? 


When fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are burned, they release greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. These gasses trap heat, causing an increase in ocean temperature and global warming. Hurricanes are fueled by warmer oceans, which increases their power and may increase their destructive potential.

Recent catastrophes: Hurricanes Harvey and Maria in 2017 demonstrated the devastation caused by strong storms, including flooding and infrastructure destruction. This year, Hurricane Hilary hit the western coast of North America, causing millions of dollars of damage. This particular hurricane caused the National Hurricane Center to issue its “first ever tropical storm watch for parts of Southern California” (NOAA).

Solution: By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, renewable energy reduces GHGs, which helps prevent the frequency and severity of hurricanes. The IEA estimates approximately 75% of global emissions come from the energy sector. Solar panels do not release any greenhouse gasses when generating electricity because they utilize the sun’s energy to generate power. Switching to renewables slows the warming of the oceans and diminishes heat-trapping gasses in the atmosphere.


Ecosystem imbalances caused by climate change are increasing the spread of invasive species. For example, spruce beetles are traveling northwards at a rapid rate into territories where native species have not had time to develop defenses. Additionally, the poles of the earth are warming at 4 times the rate as the rest of the planet (Nature Journal), making boreal forests much more susceptible to wildfires. Rising atmospheric temperatures create protracted droughts that create circumstances for wildfires to spread quickly, burn hotter, and become more destructive.

Recent disasters: The California wildfires in 2020 burned millions of acres and left extensive damage. Canada has been ravaged by wildfire this summer, with 59,000 square miles of damage. The fires covered vast parts of North America in smoke (NPR).

Solution: Indigenous forest stewardship with managed cultural burns (a practice that was outlawed by colonizers) is important for clearing ladder fuel with low temperature, controlled fires that do not spread to more mature trees. First Nations have cultivated nature-based solutions for tens of thousands of years. Following indigenous leadership and re-indigenizing our relationship with our ecosystem is crucial for reversing climate change and preventing forest fires.  


Sea levels are rising due to global temperatures increasing, which causes glaciers to melt and seawater molecules to expand (NOAA). The use of fossil fuels raises global temperatures, which in turn causes heavier and more unpredictable rainfall. When an area does not receive rain for an extended period of time, the ground becomes hard, and when a year’s worth of rain falls all at once, it washes away as opposed to being absorbed into the water table. All of this increases the likelihood of flooding.

Recent catastrophe: The vulnerability of many locations to rising waters has been highlighted by recent flooding catastrophes like floods in 2021 in Germany and Belgium as well as the recurrent coastal flooding in cities like Miami and Venice. Heavy rains in Spain and New York have also caused a series of flash floods this Fall. These are only a few of many locations around the world that are impacted by rising water and floods.

Another Recent catastrophe: Over 27 people lost their lives and 50 were injured as a result of severe floods that were caused by heavy rains in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. Buildings were destroyed by the floods, which also left considerable damage. Authorities are still looking for missing people among the wreckage as rescue operations are ongoing. 

Solution: By transitioning our energy systems away from fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions, renewable energy can help combat floods. Solar energy has a low impact on the environment, creates shade, and can be coupled with agroforestry. Distributed renewable energy microgrids can slow the rate of sea-level rise, help create clean drinking water, and create resilience in impacted communities.

As we are witnessing, climate change is accelerating the frequency and severity of disasters, and those who are hardest hit are frontline communities who are already vulnerable. These times call for resilience through local and global community building and immediate, unprecedented climate action for a just transition. We can restore a healthy climate together by following frontline leadership, adopting renewable technology, demanding that corporations and politicians support climate justice, and banking with financial institutions that are divested from fossil fuels.

Photo credits: Pixabay, Chris Gallagher

10Power Recognized on Worthy 100 List

Worth Media has recognized 10Power CEO, Sandra Kwak, as one of their Worthy 100 Entrepreneurs of 2021 in the Environmental Betterment category.

The Worthy 100 is an annual roster of business innovators “working to make a serious impact both personally and through their businesses.”  Inspired by the pre-pandemic popularity of their original Power 100 list, Worth created the Worthy 100 in 2021 to “establish the new ethos of conscious capitalism that seeks to enrich a community well beyond its own management and investors”. Sandra Kwak is commended for her work in climate solutions and sustainability through 10Power. Worth identifies 10Power’s mission to “democratize renewable energy in Haiti”, the two-fold success 10Power solar projects in healing the planet and empowering underserved communities, as well as Kwak’s efforts to reduce global CO2 levels as a board member of the Foundation for Climate Restoration, as stand-out reasons for her inclusion in the Worthy 100. She is honored to be acknowledged among this remarkable group of leaders and innovators. 

Worth is a global media platform that connects individuals who embrace “worth beyond wealth.” Their content inspires and informs members of the professional community to “be their best selves and make an impact on the world”.  

10Power Certified by Map Collective as a Carbon Plan Member

10Power is proud to announce that it has been certified by Map Collective as a Carbon Plan member. Map Collective is helping companies and countries get to “net zero” with a an online hub for carbon footprint tracking, and locational environmental data. The collective helps individuals and organizations to understand their unique environmental impact, while creating personalized solutions to mitigate the risks of climate change. 10Power will be able to use this membership to help develop a plan to track global emissions reductions created by their energy access solar projects, taking into account the embodied energy in solar panels, batteries and equipment as well as emissions associated with operations.

“We’re grateful to the Map Collective team for their personalized assistance in calculating the company’s negative carbon footprint and positive environmental impact. We’re excited to use this certification and information to improve 10Power’s global impact,” said Sandra Kwak, 10Power Founder and CEO.

10Power is a social impact enterprise that provides renewable and reliable energy to communities that lack access to electricity through project development and finance for commercial-scale solar installations. Based in San Francisco, California and with operations centralized in Haiti, 10Power uses a unique, market-based approach to enable its customers to grow operations and create employment opportunities. 10Power also partners with local solar installers and provides training with attention to gender empowerment in pursuit of our mission to create regenerative international development through sustainable innovation.

Map Collective is a DC-based company which tracks global carbon usage and issues quotas and certifications to countries, businesses and smaller governmental municipalities hoping to help in the fight against climate change.

10Power Announced as Energy Globe National Award Winner

10Power is proud to announce that it has been recognized by the Energy Globe Foundation as the Energy Globe National Award winner for the country of Haiti. 

The Energy Globe Award is a prestigious environmental honor “awarded annually to projects saving our environment by personal action, sustainable projects, or campaigns for raising awareness in sustainability.” 10Power’s project, 10Power: Renewable Energy Access in Haiti, focuses on creating a path for a regenerative future that leverages renewable energy to provide clean drinking water, empower communities, and create a path to planetary prosperity. 

Established in 1999, the goal of the Energy Globe Award is to bring awareness to and provide a platform for sustainable projects that are implementing innovative solutions to environmental projects. More than 2,500 projects from 187 countries were submitted, and 10Power is honored to have been selected as a National Award winner by a jury of experts. Congratulations to all of the projects selected for this prestigious honor! Visit for more information and to see all of the Energy Globe Award winners.

10Power is a social impact enterprise that provides renewable and reliable energy to communities that lack access to electricity through project development and finance for commercial-scale solar installations. Based in San Francisco, California and with operations centralized in Haiti, 10Power uses a unique, market-based approach to enable its customers to grow operations and create employment opportunities. 10Power also partners with local solar installers and provides training with attention to gender empowerment in pursuit of our mission to create regenerative international development through sustainable innovation.

10Power Partners With SimpliPhi Power to Bring Clean Energy to Haiti

SimpliPhi Power, a leading U.S. manufacturer of safe, non-toxic, cobalt-free lithium ion energy storage systems, has partnered with 10Power, a renewable energy project developer, to engage in a distributor relationship for the Haiti market, supporting Haitians through the COVID-19 pandemic as they prepare to become solar ready.

Access to electricity in Haiti is inconsistent, which causes households and businesses to install inefficient, environmentally harmful diesel generators. SimpliPhi’s 3.8 kWh batteries and Little and Big Genny Emergency Power Kits can replace or supplement these generators, reducing fuel costs and protecting Haitians from hazardous fumes.

“SimpliPhi is proud to partner with 10Power, a certified B Corp, to further our mission of empowering people and communities around the world with access to reliable, safe and affordable energy,” stated Catherine Von Burg, CEO of SimpliPhi Power. “We have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that solar + storage has on the lives of people otherwise cut-off from power or that are dependent on expensive, dirty, fossil fuels and generators. Through this partnership, 10Power and SimpliPhi are committing to the people of Haiti to support sustainable development that has an economic, social, and environmental impact, improving their security now and into the future.”

10Power provides renewable energy project development and finance for commercial-scale solar projects in Haiti and will manage the distribution and installation of SimpliPhi batteries, providing reliable, sustainable electricity to families and local businesses. The SimpliPhi batteries’ lithium ferro phosphate (LFP) chemistry avoids runaway heat exchange problems linked to lithium ion batteries and does not use cobalt, which has ethical supply chain issues.

“We are thrilled to be providing reliable energy storage with SimpliPhi batteries in Haiti and other markets that do not have equal access to electricity,” said Sandra Kwak, 10Power Founder and CEO. “Clean power supports clean water, healthcare and life-saving equipment. We can install long-life, dependable batteries now to help our customers through the pandemic, and they will be solar-ready post-COVID.”

To date in the energy access market, commercial-scale solar has been deterred due to high upfront costs, but 10Power overcomes this barrier, championing the transition to renewable energy by financing solar projects and training local partners with a gender empowerment lens on how to care for and maintain the installations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, access to safe, reliable electricity is of the utmost importance as health clinics and households complying with shelter-in-place orders require this valuable resource. The SimpliPhi batteries will provide clean energy through the pandemic, and customers will be ready for solar installation as travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines are relaxed.

About SimpliPhi Power

With a mission to create universal access to reliable, safe and affordable energy, SimpliPhi Power designs and manufactures efficient, non-toxic and enduring energy storage and management systems that utilize environmentally benign lithium ferro phosphate (LFP) battery chemistry. Based in Oxnard, California, SimpliPhi combines the non-hazardous LFP energy storage chemistry with its proprietary cell and battery architecture, power electronics, Battery Management System (BMS) and manufacturing processes to create safe, reliable, durable and highly scalable on-demand power solutions for the residential, commercial, military, emergency response and film industries. For more information, please visit and follow us @SimpliPhiPower, on Facebook and LinkedIn.

About 10Power

Based in San Francisco, California and with operations centralized in Haiti, 10Power provides renewable energy internationally to communities that lack access to electricity through project development and finance for turn-key commercial-scale solar. 10Power partners with local solar installers and provides training with attention to gender empowerment in pursuit of our mission to create regenerative international development through sustainable innovation. Learn more at and follow us @10pwr (Twitter, Facebook), @10powercleangrowth (Instagram), and @10Power(LinkedIn)

10Power Announced as Meaningful Business 100

10Power is honored to be named Meaningful Business 100 by This title is given to leaders in the business world that combine profit and purpose in order to help achieve the United Nations’ 2030 sustainable development goals.

The UN has listed 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets on a universal agenda. The purpose of this docket is to stimulate action toward the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. Meeting these goals will help realize human rights for all and gender equality and empowerment globally. is launching their Meaningful Business 100 platform to facilitate greater collaboration and enable greater positive impact to support the UN’s sustainable development goals. They received over 500 nominations from 50+ countries and assessed them across four categories: leadership, innovation, scope and durability. 10Power CEO, Sandra Kwak was honored along with 99 other top scoring business leaders this year.

See the full list of leaders here:
#MB100 Meaningful Business Community

10Power Named B-Corp Best for the World Environment

10Power, a certified Benefit Corporation since April 2019, has been recognized a Best for the World Environment 2019 honoree in recognition of the firm’s sustainable business practices.

10Power is a social impact enterprise working with local partners to develop and finance commercial-scale solar projects. It is a core belief of the company that renewable energy is essential to provide clean water, gender empowerment, livelihood improvement, education and technology. 10Power seeks to provide renewable energy to the 1 billion people in the world living without electricity.

To become a certified B Corp, a company must score at least an 80 on an assessment administered by B Labs. B Labs is a global non-profit organization working to redefine success in business so that “companies compete not only to be the best in the world, but to be best for the world.” The assessment they administer measures a company’s impact across four categories: governance, workers, community, and environment. Over 5,000 companies have completed the full B Impact Assessment and approximately 900 have earned B Corp certification. 10Power achieved a 107.9 placing at the top 10% impactful companies on the planet.

Congratulations to all of the B-Corp honorees! See the other Best in the World Environment companies here:

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